The Soho Recovery Centre is an independent charity and relies solely on meeting contributions and private donations to stay open and running.
Running costs are high and there is a shortfall between meeting contributions and running costs.
If you would like to support the centre, please see below as to the various ways you can help.

All donations, whatever the amount, help to keep the SRC open and continuing to provide a venue for 12 Step Fellowships in Central London. Please click to make a one-off donation or to set up a regular monthly subscription of £5 or £10 (or even more if you can afford it!) This is a really amazing way of supporting us at the SRC!
Donate NowHelping Out

We know that not everyone can afford to give so if you would like to help out ion other ways, we have opportunities for volunteering with the running of the centre. We also have community fund raising events that will not just raise funds for the SRC but will help people in recovery come together and build our community.
For details of these events see our Facebook page.